Classical & Contemporary Music for your Special Occasion

Contact us, please!

(416) 769-8685

Every special event is unique and requires individual planning.

While we have tried to provide helpful information on this website,
we know that by far the best way to assist you is
the "Old-Fashioned" way,
in person or on the telephone.

Our clients constantly tell us how much they appreciate the
personal service and attention to detail we provide. We are proud of this and want to ensure that your experience with us is your best ever.

We are very happy to provide you with information about
music to suit your tastes, the ambiance of your event
and, of course, to suit
your budget.

You can reach us on our 24 hour - 7 day phone at

(416) 769-8685.

Or you can send us some information here, and we will contact you by the end of the next business day. We look forward to speaking with you!

You can send us an email by clicking on the link below, or you can use the form below to send us as much information as you wish.

To send an email click here:

...Or you can choose to use the form below to guide you.
Include as much information as you wish.
We are happy to give you quotes for different possible musical choices.

Divertimento's Home Page

Wedding Music Page

Wedding FAQs

Corporate Events Page

Corporate FAQs


Divertimento's Home Page
Wedding Music Page

Wedding FAQs

Corporate Events Page

Corporate FAQs


Your name:

Alternate contact name:

Daytime phone(s):

Evening phone(s):

Phone is definitely our first choice to serve you best, but we are also happy to answer by e-mail.
Your e-mail address:

Kind of event:

Date of event (or possible dates):

Time or approximate time(s) for your event:

Location (or proposed location):

Do you plan to be outdoors for some or all of the event?

Many of our clients are unsure of which instruments they would most like. We are happy to help you with this. As a starting place, what kind of music or instruments do you have in mind at this point?

Do you have a specific question we can answer onto your answering machine, in case we miss you?

Please let us know how you located our website:

Would you like to make an appointment to meet to discuss the music for your event, and when are the best times for you?

Thank you. We look forward to speaking with you.